But as a standalone film and even in comparison with the previous 9, it's a bit of a mess. Yes there's the usual over the top stunts (though personally I thought not as good as some of the previous films) racing for no real point, fight scences etc so the fans of the franchise will probably enjoy it. The only saving grace here was the wonderfully over the top villain played brilliantly by Jason Momoa - every scene he was in stood out. With every rev of the engine, you can find friendship, loyalty, and fearlessness.

I think even they think there's maybe been too many movies in this franchise. The original The Fast and the Furious is courageous, bold, and riveting. The cast felt tired, going through the motions. And of course (this is not a spoiler as it's now everywhere in the press) Fast X is not in fact the last film of the franchise so there is no closure of any sort at the end.

PRS is dedicated to creating advanced super-soldiers capable of carrying out dangerous. We have a few maudlin scenes from the past. Bloodshot's Origin Bloodshot is the culmination of decades of work by the scientists at Project Rising Spirit. The problem is the story is nonsensical - we have jumps to shoots all around the world for no reason at all. It's a mish-mash of the previous 9 films rolled into one with cameo appearances from almost anyone who's ever starred in any of them.

Then at the end you'd read the story in full and laugh at the results? Well I think that's how Fast X was written. Do you remember the game people used to play where someone would write down the first line of a story on a piece of paper, fold it back so the next person couldn't see it and then they'd add another line, fold it back etc. Another Marvel movie, Guardians Of The Galaxy starring Chris Pratt, Vin Diesel, Bradley Cooper & others, is the kinda superhero film we like the.